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![]() Mental Health Counselors
Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions - We use many therapeutic philosophies and tools which have been found to be vereffective with substance dependent individuals and their families and are subscribe to by many other successful substance abuse treatment programs throughout the USA. Those therapeutic philosophies include: substance dependency is a chronic illness that affects people physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually and recreationally. The chronic illness of substance dependency affects the entire person and in most cases, the person’s family and friends; treatment must emphasize treatment of all facets of the individual and the family. Substance dependency is a disease though chronic and progressive, is treatable, can be arrested, and can lead to productive lives and Recovery is a process; recovery from substance dependency is usually a two to five year process utilizing varied methods of treatment including detoxification, rehabilitation, outpatient, IOP, self help AA/NA, smart recovery, etc; forgiveness of one's self and others, acceptance of self and others, amends for wrongs to others, regeneration of hope and faith in one's self and the ability to structure time and manage life effectively; no use of any mood-altering illegal substances is imperative; it is extremely important for the alcohol and/or drug dependent person to learn to live without any illegal mood-altering substances; substance dependent persons are at greater risk of relapse if maintaining self on any mood-altering substances without eventually going back to an active problem with a primary alcohol or drug dependency; self-help programs are vital to recover for many; substance dependency is a chronic illness with no cure; patient must take responsibility for self care; self-help groups of alcoholics anonymous (AA) and narcotics anonymous (NA) have had tremendous success in the long term maintenance of recovery, AA and NA philosophy; steps study are part of our substance abuse counseling solutions; family members and significant others are referred to the self-help groups of Al-Anon, Nar-Anon, Families Anonymous, ACOA, Adult Children of Alcoholics or Smart Recovery Programs and are vital to treatment and aftercare recovery; treatment demonstrates a positive effect on decreasing the criminal activity of program participants. addicted offenders who receive little or no treatment show an accelerating pattern of criminal activity over time and the length of time in treatment in an intensive treatment program for addicted individuals correlates positively with measured decreases in criminal activity; therapeutic community milieu therapy enhances the effectiveness of substance abuse treatment programs (according to research); relapse prevention planning and aftercare planning are essential to effectively addressing the chronic nature of alcoholism and drug addiction disease and are essential components of any effective treatment program; family involvement tends to positively correlate with the recovery rate and reduced relapse risk or recidivism; lastly, faith-Base is an essential component in finding a solution to any identified Psychiatric, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Substance Dependency, Pastoral Counseling, Drug and Alcohol Testing and DNA Testing services or solutions. MISSION The mission of Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions and the Professionals to provide Comprehensive, High Quality and Cost Effective, Psychiatric, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Pastoral Counseling, Drug and Alcohol Testing and DNA Testing that may include: Evaluation, Education, Counseling, Consultation, Risk Assessment, and Intervention in the areas of Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Marriage, Family, Family Reunification, Parenting Education, Anger Management, Batterer Intervention, Family Violence, Relationships, Trauma and Victim’s Recovery Therapy to our patients, while promoting human Dignity, Respect for Self and Others. This is accomplished through Clinical Evaluation, Education, Counseling and Therapeutic Intervention with children, adolescents, adults, seniors, couples, families, blended families, parents, voluntary and court-ordered individuals, probationers and parolees, child protective services, vocational rehabilitation, employers, schools, private agencies and many others who seek assistance. Individuals and families are referred by employee assistance programs (EAP), employer health insurance groups, Obama care health insurance groups, hospitals, psychiatrists, physicians, counselors, employers, schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, professional boards, professional associations (nurses, nurse practitioners’, lawyers, law students, x-ray technologists, CPA associations), unions, military, churches, clergy, self-referral and many others sources. SUBSTANCE ABUSES COUNSELING SOLUTIONS Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions provides the following high quality and cost effective substance abuse counseling solutions: 1. Psychiatric and Mental Health Counseling Solutions include: Psychiatric Evaluation, Psychiatric Follow-up Evaluation, Medication Management and reports for professionals or courts and ongoing counseling and support. 2. Dual Disorder Counseling Solutions include: substance abuse and psychiatric evaluation, mental health evaluation, education, counseling, treatment, medication assistance, referral solutions and self help support are provided. 3. Medication-Assisted Substance Withdrawal Treatment Solutions for Opiate, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Amphetamine, Marijuana, Spice and Alcohol that include: Counselor Evaluation, Drug Testing, Kasper Report, Alcohol Testing, Drug Testing, Pregnancy Testing, Referrals for Medical Evaluation, Psychiatric Evaluation, Physician Evaluation and Medication Assisted Treatment using Suboxone, Zubsolv, Subutex, and other FDA Approved Withdrawal Medications along with Substance Abuse, Psychiatric, Mental Health or Dual Disorder Evaluation, Education, Counseling, Physician Treatment, Medication Assistance, Intervention Counseling, Referrals, Orientation to Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous Self Help Support Programs. 4. Substance Abuse and Dependency Evaluation, Education, Counseling, Intervention Solutions including: EAP, health insurance, court-ordered, probationers, paroles as well as child protective services, employer, school, parent, family required or voluntary and mandatory substance abuse and dependence evaluation, education, counseling and intervention, medication assisted withdrawal, referral services as well as orientation to alcoholics, narcotics anonymous and smart recovery support. 5. Casey’s Law Overdose Risk Reduction Intervention, in the interest of the respondents and their families, we maintains a group of qualified professional counselors, psychiatrists and physicians to complete involuntary evaluation and treatment for alcohol and/or drug abuse under a Casey’s Law Court Order due to the potential risk for alcohol or drug overdose. Dave Harmon & Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions maintains the original certification in the patient chart in all cases. The document reads, “Comes the Affiant,” Dave Harmon, Clinical Director of Dave Harmon & Associates Counseling Solutions, MSSW, MDiv, KY LCSW, KY LCADC, KY DUI Assessor, KY 20 Hour PRI Instructor, SAP, ICCGC, CISM, KY BIP Provider, KY Sex Offender Provider or other qualified providers who is a Qualified Professional as defined in KRS 222: A Qualified Mental Health Professional as defined in KRS 202A.011, An Alcohol and Drug Counselor Certified under KRS Chapter 309 and/or A Physician, licensed under the laws of Kentucky to practice medicine or osteopathy or a medical officer of the government of the United States while engaged in the performance of official duties. The professional or affiant completes a substance abuse evaluation with the identified respondent, gathers information to assist in making written recommendations to the court concerning involuntary treatment due to a risk of substance overdose. When an individual refuses to participate in the evaluation or fails to show for the evaluation the professional will formally interview the family or significant others to gather information to be used in making written recommendations to the court concerning involuntary treatment due to a risk of substance overdose. To be approved by the court each individual respondent must be found in the professional’s opinion, based on the examination or significant other interviews: a) to be a significant risk for potential overdose on substances and meet the following criteria: b) most suffer from alcohol and other drug abuse; must present a danger to self, family or others; c) must exist a substantial likelihood of such a threat in the near future and d) must be able to reasonably benefit from treatment. One or more DSM 5 TR Substance Use Diagnostic Impressions must be identified. Note that a separate Certification of Qualified Health Professional (AOC 703A) must be filed with the Court by each of the two (2) QHPs named in the Hearing. Examination and Appointment of Counsel Notice and Order (AOC-701 A) will be filed by fax not later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to a hearing date set out in AOC-701 A, unless another hearing date is ordered by the AOC-701A. The court makes decisions after a hearing. 6. Substance Abuse Professional (SAP/DOT Regulated) Solutions Program that provides DOT regulated and non-DOT regulated SAP alcohol and drug abuse evaluation, SAP follow-up evaluation and case management solutions to employers and their employees to create a safer workplace for all employees, their families and the community-at-large. SAP programs include: substance abuse evaluation, treatment planning, assignment of a combination of substance abuse education, group counseling, individual counseling, family counseling, referral solutions services and orientation to alcoholics and narcotics anonymous self help support, relapse prevention planning, successful completion of the treatment plan, intervention counseling, aftercare planning and discharge planning with an outside assigned counselor and treatment center. 7. Substance Abuse Evaluation, Education, Counseling and Intervention Solutions for Professionals (nurses, physicians, x-ray technologists, management , etc.) that include: substance abuse evaluation, treatment planning, assignment of a combination of substance abuse education, group counseling, individual counseling, family counseling, referral solutions services and orientation to alcoholics, narcotics anonymous and smart recovery self help support, relapse prevention planning, successful completion of the treatment goals, intervention counseling, aftercare planning and discharge planning with the assigned counselor at one or more of our three (3) treatment solution centers. 8. DUI (court-ordered) Evaluation, Education, Counseling, and Intervention Solutions includes: DUI evaluation and treatment of court-ordered patients, treatment planning including a combination of Prime for Life substance abuse education, group, family counseling, relapse prevention planning, referral solutions services and orientation to alcoholics and narcotics anonymous self help support for 20 hours up to 52 weeks of group, individual, family counseling, intervention counseling, relapse prevention planning, aftercare planning and discharge planning with the assigned counselor. Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions is a provider for almost all EAP Groups, Employer Health Insurance Groups, Private Health Insurance Groups and Obama Care Groups to minimize out of the pocket cost. 9. Prime For Life Substance Abuse Education program is used nationally for court-ordered DUI and substance related cases referred from courts, CPS workers, probation officers, parole officers, employers, schools, parents, many others and voluntary patients. 10.. Marijuana (MEP) abuse education program or classes provide factual information about the emotional romance with the drug encouraging each participant to develop greater self awareness of their use, abuse or dependency on drugs and alcohol through self-assessment of their own level of abuse, focus on understanding of the progression of drug abuse, development of an understanding of abstinence and recovery, applying the concepts of abstinence and recovery to their own history of drug and alcohol abuse and exploring of the dangers and consequences of substance abuse and understanding the steps necessary for recovery. 11. Adult Children of Substance Abusers and Co-Dependent Family or Significant Others Evaluation, Education, Counseling and Intervention Solutions includes: initial co-dependency evaluation, treatment planning, assignment of a combination of co-dependent and substance abuse education, group counseling, individual counseling, family counseling, relapse prevention planning, referral solutions services and orientation to alcoholics and narcotics anonymous self help support. successful completion of the treatment plan, intervention counseling, aftercare planning and discharge planning with the assigned counselor at one or more of our three (3) treatment solutions centers. 12. Substance Abuse Intervention Counseling Solutions Interventions usually involves family members such as parents, grandparents, children, aunts and uncles who are greatly affected by the individuals with substance abuse or dependency, psychiatric, mental health, behavioral, emotional, physical, medical, spiritual or even religious difficulties as well as clergy, employers, co-workers, best friends, other extended family members, employers, courts, probation officers, parole officers, parole boards, child protective services, professional associations, best friends, bosses or other agency personnel who have an investment and care about the individual. Intervene is often necessary due to the progressive nature of many problems and negative behaviors. Everyone experiences and manages consequences differently. Interventions may involve many different individuals, settings and circumstances including: family members, spouses, partners, employers, courts, probation officers, parole officers, parole boards, friends, agencies, churches, schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, trade schools, professional associations, etc. Intervention by those who love and care about us is often necessary and may be the first step before recovery can begun. Without Intervention we may stay in denial of the problems we are creating for ourselves as well as our loved ones. Interventions Solutions may include but are not limited to: 1) consultation, 2) intervention planning, 3) intervention sessions, 4) ongoing counseling, 5) case management, 6) counseling through our outpatient counseling solutions, intensive outpatient solutions program (IOP), our family counseling solutions program, psychiatric/mental health counseling solutions, dual diagnosis counseling solutions programs for those with substance abuse or dependency problems and other issues. 13. Outpatient Counseling Solutions at Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions is a structured Substance Abuse and Dependency Recovery Program that may include: Intervention Counseling, Educational Counseling, Recovery Dynamics Study, Individual Counseling, Group Counseling, Intensive Outpatient Counseling (IOP), Family Counseling, Orientation to Self-help Programs and drug or alcohol testing as necessary. Substance abuse and dependency education involves participation in learning about our disease and recovery process. 14. Intensive Outpatient Solutions Program (IOP) provides the opportunity for the entire family to treat substance abuse or dependency and codependency together, usually without disruption of one’s work and family life and is designed for people who experience problems with alcohol and/or other drugs but do not need hospitalization. Both the substance abuser or dependent person and their family obtain treatment together while practicing new recovery skills in their workplace and home environments. Intensive Outpatient Program includes: a comprehensive substance abuse evaluation and an individualized treatment plan designed with the patient and family; educational sessions focused on the disease concept of substance abuse; the 12 Steps of AA/NA; effects on one’s family, the effects on one’s social life, and the effects on one’s workplace environment; the effects on one’s physiology, the process of recovery; introduction to relapse prevention planning; goal setting that includes all aspects of recovery; discussion of the role of AA/NA, outside meeting activities, the role of sponsors in recovery; individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy and substance abuse, mental health and medical education for family members and/or significant others affected by the substance abuse and dependency of a loved one as well as aftercare planning and discharge planning. The IOP Program usually last from 2 to 10 weeks, from 2.5 hours to 4 hours daily, 1 to 5 times weekly or up to 6 days weekly depending on individual needs. 15. Family Counseling Solutions involves empowerment of the patient’s family and/or significant others that helps with completion of treatment goals. The Family Program is designed to provide families with the tools and information necessary for the development of healthy relationships. The program includes a combination of psycho-educational groups, group therapy, individual and family therapy as needed. Groups focus on understanding the disease process, an explanation of the 12-Step model of recovery, introduction to Al-a-Non, Co-Dependents Anonymous and other support groups for family members, conflict resolution, and effective communication tools or techniques. Family members or significant others participating in our program are encouraged to attend at least one (1) Al-Anon or Co-Dependency meeting per week. 16. Relapse Prevention Planning is an integral part of all counseling programs. Patients and families are assisted in identifying their personal relapse triggers. During treatment they are provided with the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge needed to deal successfully with relapse triggers. Each patient develops, with their counselor, a personal relapse prevention plan prior to discharge. 17. Aftercare planning or continuing care planning is developed and encouraged with each patient and family member prior to discharge to assist the patient in identifying and accepting responsibility for continued recovery. Referrals are made as deemed appropriate for continued therapy and follow-up with the patient’s individual counselors or psychiatrists. The importance of continued involvement in 12-Step Recovery groups is stressed and patients and family are invited to continue their involvement in our adolescent continuing care counseling solutions program that may meet at scheduled times. The aftercare phase may vary in length from weekly counseling, to twice monthly, to monthly individual or group sessions. Reports may be provided to referral sources as requested provided a release of information is signed. Drug testing is available. 18. Alternative Diversion and Alternative Sentencing Counseling Solutions that include: substance abuse, psychiatric evaluation, mental health evaluation, psychiatric or mental health alternative diversion planning, education, counseling, and intervention or alternative diversion planning solutions; Alternative sentencing counseling, evaluation, education, counseling, and intervention solutions includes: substance abuse, psychiatric or mental health treatment planning including an alternative to suspension, discharge, termination, probation, parole or incarceration for courts, probation, parole officer, child protective service workers, school, colleges, universities, trade schools, professional associations, licensing or certification boards, employers, etc. 19. Drug Testing Solutions or Services include DOT and Non-DOT Regulated workplace and non-workplace drug testing solutions or services designed to help organizations, families and individuals achieve essential economies and create a safer workplace environment for our employees, families and the community-at-large; 20. Alcohol Testing Solutions or Services include DOT and Non-DOT regulated workplace and non-workplace drug testing solutions or services designed to help organizations, families and individuals achieve essential economies and create a safer workplace environment for our employees, families and the community-at-large FAITH-BASED COUNSELING SOLUTIONS 1. Christian Counseling Solutions of Louisville is a full-service outpatient counseling center dedicated to serving all members of the Christian and Non-Christian community including the Louisville Metro area, the surrounding 7 counties, the Southern Indiana region and exist to provide timely, affordable, Christian Counseling to those experiencing emotional or spiritual pain and desiring a safe place for healing. Christian Counseling Center of Louisville has applied for a non-profit organization status, relies on client fees and the generosity of others to help support this ministry. Christian Counseling Solutions of Louisville's primary goal is to prepare and empower individuals to discover the transforming power of their faith as a means to emotional and spiritual healing while improving relationships through Christian counseling and recognizing that scripture is often useful for teaching, correcting and training “in righteousness so that men and women of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" 2 Timothy 3:16. Christian Counseling Solutions of Louisville offers Christian Counseling for individuals, couples, families, adults, seniors, adolescents and children on a long and a short-term basis. Each Christian Counselor has completed a minimum of a Master's or beyond which gives us the ability to provide a continuum of care for the individuals we serve. The one exception is the Lay Christian Counselors who has completed Specialists Trainings and remains under supervision. The Christian Counseling Solutions of Louisville is staffed to be a first response ministry for crisis situations. The Christian Counseling Solutions of Louisville has Christian Professionals with varied training and experience including: Psychiatrists who provide Psychiatric Evaluations and Follow-up Psychiatric Evaluations or Medication Follow-up as well as Licensed or Certified Christian Counselors, Licensed Pastoral Counselors, Professional Therapists who are Christians and Lay Christian Counselors (with specialized training) who are available to provide Psychiatric Evaluation, Psychological Evaluation, Mental Health Evaluation and many other Specialty Evaluations and Counseling. In addition we maintain a network of other professionals in the community are used for those who require a higher level of care than we are able to provide. Christian Counseling Solutions of Louisville has numerous Christian Therapists and Counselors with varied Education, Training, Experience, Certifications and Licenses including those who have earned State and/or National Licenses or Certifications in following clinical disciplines: Nationally Licensed Christian Counselors, Nationally Licensed Pastoral Counselors, Professional Therapists Who are Christians, Trained Lay Christian Counselors, KY Licensed Psychiatrists, KY Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT), KY Marriage and Family Therapists Associates (LMFTA), KY Clinical Social Workers (LCSW), KY Clinical Social Workers (CSW), KY Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCC), KY Licensed Professional Counselor Associates (LPCCA), KY Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CADC), KY Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CADC), Nationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors (ICADC), KY DUI Assessors, KY 20 Hour Prime for Life Substance Abuse Education Instructors, KY Masters of Psychology Counselor Associates (MPA), KY PHDs in Psychology, KY PSYs in Clinical Psychology, KY Batterer Intervention Specialists, KY Certified Compulsive Gambling Counselors, KY Certified Batterer Intervention Specialists, KY Certified Sex Offender Intervention Specialists, KY Registered Nurses (RN), KY Licensed Professional Nurses (LPN), Other KY Psychological Associates, Nationally Substance Abuse Professionals (SAP/DOT), etc. 2. Multi-Faith Based Counseling Solutions of Louisville, a program of Dave Harmon & Associates, Inc Counseling Solutions, provides the following Professional Counseling Programs: A Pre-evaluation Information Packet may be downloaded (usually including a Client Treatment Agreement, any Parental Consents to Treat, any Releases of Information, a Biopsychosocial and a Contract for Services, prior to an initial appointment. You may also choose to request staff to fax or email the Pre-evaluation Information Packet or you may arrive 30 minutes early to complete the Pre-evaluation Information Packet. We regret we are unable to mail the Pre-evaluation Information Packet. Multi-Faith Based Counseling Solutions of Louisville, a program of Dave Harmon & Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions includes: evaluation, individual counseling, group counseling, family counseling, alcohol and drug counseling and mental health counseling from a licensed or certified faith-based counselor of your own faith base who is well versed or trained in your faith perspective and recognizes faith as a major player in an individual's decision making and values. OTHER CLINICAL SOLUTIONS 1. Drug Testing Solutions or Services include DOT and Non-DOT Regulated workplace and non-workplace drug testing solutions or services designed to help organizations, families and individuals achieve essential economies and create a safer workplace environment for our employees, families and the community-at-large; 2. Alcohol Testing Solutions or Services include DOT and Non-DOT regulated workplace and non-workplace drug testing solutions or services designed to help organizations, families and individuals achieve essential economies and create a safer workplace environment for our employees, families and the community-at-large; 3. DNA Testing Solutions, Collection and Testing Services are accepted by the legal systems nationally and are the most conclusive, accepted and most accurate method for determining biological relationships or paternity. Payment Resources include: Employer EAP Groups, Employer Health Insurance Groups, Employer Medical Health Card Accounts, Private Health Insurance Groups, Obama Care Health Insurance Groups, Self-Pay Fees and some reduced fee patients. FINANCIAL RESOURCES Dave Harmon & Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions generally accepts referrals and are approved by the following Employer EAP Groups: United Health Group, Kaiser Foundation Group, WellPoint, Inc. Group, Aetna Group, Humana Group, HCSC Group, Cigna Health Group, Highmark Group, Blue Shield of California Group Blue Shield of California Group, Independence Blue Cross Group, Centene Corp Group, HIP Insurance Group, BCBS of New Jersey Group, BCBS of Michigan Group, Guidewell Mutual Holdings Group, California Physicians' Service, WellCare Group, Carefirst Inc. Group, Health Net of California, Inc., Health Net of California, Inc., Molina Healthcare Inc. Group, UHC of California, Lifetime Healthcare Group, BCBS of Massachusetts Group, Metropolitan Group, Cambia Health Solutions Inc., Cambia Health Solutions Inc., Tricare Military Group, Beacon Group, Beacon Group, Magellan Group, Comp Psych Group, Crisis Care Network, USB, Employer Health Care Cards, etc. The patient is ultimately responsible for seeking EAP approval. Dave Harmon & Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions generally accept referrals and are approved by the following Employer and Private Health Insurance Groups: United Health Group, Kaiser Foundation Group, WellPoint, Inc. Group, Aetna Group, Humana Group, HCSC Group, Cigna Health Group, Highmark Group, Blue Shield of California Group Blue Shield of California Group, Independence Blue Cross Group, Centene Corp Group, HIP Insurance Group, BCBS of New Jersey Group, BCBS of Michigan Group, Guidewell Mutual Holdings Group, California Physicians' Service, WellCare Group, Carefirst Inc. Group, Health Net of California, Inc., Health Net of California, Inc., Molina Healthcare Inc. Group, UHC of California, Lifetime Healthcare Group, BCBS of Massachusetts Group, Metropolitan Group, Cambia Health Solutions Inc., Cambia Health Solutions Inc., Tricare Military Group, Beacon Group, Beacon Group, Magellan Group, Comp Psych Group, Crisis Care Network, USB, Employer Health Care Cards and Medicare Groups. The patient is ultimately responsible for having health insurance approval as well as any co-pays or deductable fees. Dave Harmon & Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions generally accept referrals and are approved by the following Obama Care Health Insurance Groups including Beacon, Medicaid, Passport, WellCare, Humana Care Source, Anthem Health Pending and Coventry Care Pending, etc. Dave Harmon & Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions accepts Self-pay fees and some reduced fees. LEADERSHIP ROLE IN THE COUNSELING FIELD: Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions maintains a leadership role in the fields of psychiatric, mental health, substance abuse/dependency and faith-based counseling solutions, CONTINUUM OF SERVICES: Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions provides a full continuum of psychiatric, mental health, substance abuse, pastoral counseling, drug and alcohol testing and DNA testing counseling solutions through clinical evaluation, education, counseling and therapeutic intervention with children, adolescents, adults, seniors, couples, families, blended families, parents, voluntary and court-ordered individuals, probationers and parolees, child protective services, vocational rehabilitation, employers, schools, private agencies and many others who seek assistance by certified and/or licensed counselor professional that want to assist you in defining solutions to identified problem areas and assist in life decision making and resolution. Dave Harmon & Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions provides treatment services to address all psychiatric, alcohol drug abuse, codependency, adult children of addicted persons (ACOA) and mental health treatment issues including treatment for depression, anxiety disorders, adjustment disorders, eating disorders, weight loss, sexual addiction, compulsive gambling, marital and pre-marital issues, divorce adjustment, sexual dysfunction, behavioral problems, school problems, acting-out problems, attention-deficit-hyperactive disorder issues, victims of domestic violence or sexual abuse, perpetrators of domestic violence, perpetrators of sexual abuse, anger management , post traumatic stress disorder, crisis management, stress management problems, gender disorder therapy, relational therapy for the heterosexual, gay, and lesbian individuals or couples, grief resolution, trauma resolution, phobia problems, support for those who are HIV-Positive, medical trauma issues as well as spiritual or pastoral counseling issues. SPECIAL SERVICES /PROGRAMS: Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions provide many special services or programs such as Court Consultation Programs, Court Diversion Planning, "Last Chance Therapy" Programs for Probation and Parole Offenders; "Defective Thinking" Treatment for the Criminally-Minded Character Disorders. HISTORY OF DAVE HARMON AND ASSOCIATES, INC: Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions began operating in 1974, was Incorporated in Kentucky in 1992. Our three (3) of our Treatment Centers are located in Louisville, KY area and are readily available to patients from the immediate Kentucky and Indiana. We also have a Treatment Center in Murray, KY. Our primary administrative office is located at the Professional Towers, 4010 DuPont Circle, Suite 226, off Breckinridge Lane and Dutchman Lane. As the programs and organization have grown, our Treatment Centers have expanded with additional offices and services. Future plans include other centers and additional services in Kentucky, and Southern Indiana as well as an Internet Counseling Service. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND NETWORKING: Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions Professionals are involved in the provision of services in the schools, Courts, Hospitals, Social Services Agencies, Probation and Parole, Child Protective Services, Local Industry, EAP Groups, Insurance Groups, and Managed Care Organizations. We make an effort to network with all treatment providers in the interest of our patients. We firmly believe that the confidence placed in Professionals at Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions, our patients and family satisfaction is a reflection of our effectiveness in treating mental health and addiction problems. Professionals of Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions are involved in community as volunteers, board members, etc. HOW TO MAKE APPOINTMENTS As a valued potential patient or customer at Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions, please call our main office at the DuPont Circle, Louisville, KY at (502) 896-8006 for timely appointments available. New or patients in crisis may call our on-call phone at (502) 377-7720. Our fax is (502) 896-8055. All mail is routed through our DuPont Office to assure quick handling and response. CLINICAL PROFESSIONALS Dave Harmon & Associates, Inc. Counseling Solutions’ clinical professionals are a key ingredient in our quality treatment program and include many experienced, respected and qualified counselors. Dave Harmon & Associates, Inc. Counseling, Inc. Solutions is proud to have these professionals associated with our programs. Counseling and other services are comprehensive and provided by highly trained, experienced and Certified or Licensed professionals including: licensed clinical social workers, psychologists, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, CADCs, Temporary CADC’s, case managers, psychiatrists, physicians, technicians and other certified and licensed professionals. Psychiatric Evaluation Psychiatric Follow-up Evaluation and Medication Monitoring are managed through contracted psychiatrist orb physicians at our office or referral to a number of other physicians and psychiatrists. Please request a current list of staff, credentials, and locations of our offices. *A Kentucky Licensed Treatment Programs Phone: Click To Call 502-377-7720 - phone: (502) 896-8006 – emergency: (502) 896-8006 - fax: (502) 896-8055 – email: [email protected] – web: |