The Adolescence Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Adolescence Therapy Program are: to assist the children in resolution of specific identified problems, to assist the children in transition or reunification with the family. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. Adolescent Court Programs This Adolescent Court Program is an INNOVATIVE approach to dealing with and treatment of adolescents, especially, those who abuse alcohol and drugs or are chemically dependent, who find themselves involved with the Juvenile Criminal Justice System. This approach combines the efforts of the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Corrections, the Jefferson County Juvenile Court as well as the court of all surrounding counties in Kentucky and southern Indiana, the local school systems, the State Department of Family and Children, particularly CPS and the local chemical dependency treatment professionals from DH&A. Adolescents involved in this program generally progress through several phases of treatment based on an initial assessment and treatment plan designed to provide the knowledge, understanding, and skills to live a productive, chemical-free lifestyle. Each adolescent develops a Relapse Prevention Plan during the early or middle phases of their treatment. All crisisis managed with the parent’s involvement. Counseling/Therapy Services available include: Educational, Individual, Offender/Parents/Family Groups, Family, Grief, Abuse/Neglect, Trauma, Chemical Dependency, Mental Health, ADD/AHDD Treatment and Referral For Medication Evaluation, Intervention, Employment Consultation, Referral, and Drug testing available. What is different about DH&A Adolescent Court Program? The Adolescent Court Program was designed as an alternative to probation, or incarceration; provides the opportunity for Co-operation between agencies (Youth Probation, School System, DFCS and DH&A), allows continuation of present School, / often allows continuation of Work, has Day and Evening program options, maintains a phased treatment structure, behavior change orientation, individualized treatment plans, parental involvement, self-help support participation, length of stay varies but can be extended, focus on self-help (AA, NA, etc), Follow-up includes self-help, aftercare counseling, and supervision by probation, youth/adolescent privacy respected, an Relapse Prevention Plan is developed with each adolescent before discharge, an Aftercare Plan is developed with each adolescent before discharge, supervision may be provided by Juvenile Probation Officer to assure a safe recovery, random or for cause drug screening program is available, longer stays are possible as deemed necessary by the parents and therapist (Research indicates the offenders need longer stays in treatment than usually available), and the program is extremely cost effective including the availability of sliding scale fees. The School Counselor, Court Worker, or Parent(s) may contact Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. between 8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. to arrange an initial Evaluation or Consultation or to discuss insurance, sliding scale fees, etc. at 502-896-8006. Contact the Designated Staff In-Charge or a supervisor in cases of an Emergency. Review the Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. brochure with the student or offender if time allows. Emergencies, Call 502-8968006. Always get a Release of Information signed by the Parents. Fax any written referral to (5020 896-8055. Mental Health Therapy Program Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Adolescence Mental Health Therapy Program are: to assist the children in resolution of specific identified mental health problems, and recovery. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. Chemical Dependency Therapy Program The Adolescence Chemical Dependency Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Adolescence Chemical Dependency Therapy Program are: to assist the children in resolution of specific identified Alcohol and Drug Problems, and recovery. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. School Intervention Therapy Program The School Intervention Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the school intervention program are: to assist the adolescence in obtaining an education, to assist the adolescents with grade/academic problems, to assist the adolescents with behavioral problems, to assist the adolescents with resolution of alcohol or drug problems, to assist the adolescents with resolution of anger management problems, to assist the adolescents with resolution of blended family problems, to assist the adolescents with resolution of behavioral problems, to assist the adolescents with resolution of school related problems, to assist the adolescents with resolution of low-esteem problems, to assist the adolescents with resolution of survivor of abuse problems. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. Behavioral Therapy Program The Behavioral Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, intervention, court intervention, self-help, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Behavioral Therapy Program are: to reduce unhealthy/inappropriate behavior, to learn and practice new ways of coping, to improve behavior. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. ADHD-ADD Therapy Program The ADHD-ADD Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the ADD-ADHD therapy program are: to reduce symptoms of ADD-ADHD, to improve grades, to improve behavior, to reduce hyperactivity, to increase focus ability in school and at home, and to stabilize mood. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. Childhood Trauma Therapy Program The Childhood Trauma Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Childhood Trauma Therapy Program are: to reduce symptoms of trauma, to resolve feelings attached to the events, and to stabilize healthy functioning in all areas of the client's life. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. Grief Therapy Program The Childhood Grief Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Childhood Grief Therapy Program are: to reduce symptoms of trauma, to resolve feelings attached to the events, and to stabilize healthy functioning in all areas of the client's life. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. Criminal Defective Thinking Program The RESPONSIBLE CHOICES PROGRAM of Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. (hereafter referred to as DH&A) provides voluntary and court-ordered or probation/parole office required counseling and consultation for those adults, seniors, or youth participants who struggle to manage inappropriate theft behavior, taking what is NOT yours by stealing, robbing, embezzling, running a scam, writing bad checks, forgery, taking possession of other's property or valuables, failure to pay child support, or other forms of theft, deception, and dishonesty, etc. The program is designed to assist participants with correcting their "Defective (Criminal) Thinking and Behavior" such as inappropriate theft behavior ("taking what is NOT yours"). RESPONSIBLE CHOICES focuses on positive ways of living and self-esteem building. Participants have a REAL opportunity to: openly examine the facts; take ownership of unhealthy choices; understand the consequences of unhealthy choices; understand the recovery process from these unhealthy choices; practice and rehearse new healthy choices; start making healthier decisions with less negative consequences through treatment, goal setting, relapse prevention planning, aftercare support planning, self-help programs, and counseling. The program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that involves the individual (and often others) as well as the parents ( or other custodial persons) of the youth. The Treatment Plan may include: education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, self-help participation, Recovery Dynamics (a study of recovery). A Psychological Evaluation may be required before an Initial Evaluation can be finalized. When there is legal or probation matters to consider, DH&A often recommends to the Court an Alternative Diversion Sentencing Proposal or an Alternative Diversion Sentencing Proposal prepared on behalf of the offender for the Court’s consideration. Offenders are often referred to my office by the Court, CPS, their attorney, insurance company, school, and parents. The offender generally admits some responsibility for the offense, and admits the need for help with the problem of theft and dishonesty. Some offenders or their parents contact my office before any or during a series of court hearings in an effort to address the shoplifting behavior or other forms of theft, and request a Mental Health and/or a Chemical Dependency Evaluation. Generally they keep appointments, complete all required enrollment information, are evaluated by a professional, and assigned a Treatment or Recovery plan. During the Evaluation the offender is encouraged to share the difficulty they have understanding why they would shoplift or steal what is not theirs. The offender will generally report that their compulsive shoplifting or other theft behaviors began small and increased in seriousness over time. For example, one may explain that when the self-scanning systems were place in Kroger Stores they began not scanning all items and the problem evolved since that time. The offender generally demonstrates a clear understanding of their present legal problem, and the direct relationship to their defective thinking (“free is better”, “they want know’, “they want miss it”, and poor judgment, poor insight specific to their shoplifting behavior). The offender generally expresses a willingness to attend and participate openly in our Defective Thinking Treatment and Recovery Program at Dave Harmon & Associates, Inc. to address the admitted inappropriate and illegal shoplifting and other theft behaviors. Voluntary and Court-ordered participants usually come as a result of encouragement from family, or friends, the Court, CPS, Probation/Parole office, Parole Boards, Attorneys, individuals, and Parents as part of a voluntary plan or an sentencing proposal: 1) Pre-Sentencing Proposal; 2) Court Alternative Diversion Proposal; 3) Court Alternative Sentencing Proposal; or 4) Shock Probation Proposal. Participation in the RESPONSIBLE CHOICES PROGRAM involves the completion of written assignment, giving and receiving feedback, learning new and healthier ways to perceive and respond to others, the community and yourself, and developing self-respect. Self-Help Participation. Participation in the RESPONSIBLE CHOICES PROGRAM may or often care required or encouraged to participate in the self-help program, SHOPLIFTERS ANONYMOUS and other self-help programs if one needs to address chemical dependency, gambling, anger, domestic violence, or other mental health problems. Participants in the RESPONSIBLE CHOICES PROGRAM may be encouraged or required to document all recovery activities on a "Client Activity Log". RESPONSIBLE CHOICES is designed to help the voluntary or court-ordered offender to use their newly developing tools, both in the recovery program and in the community-at-large outside of the recovery center, after participation in discussions and practicing through the use of role play health alternatives to theft or taking other things. Participants are required to complete written assignments and bring assignments to sessions to discuss. Often, participation in the RESPONSIBLE CHOICES PROGRAM may mean your being able to remain in your home, on your job, in your school, AND in the community, thereby avoiding major consequences or incarceration so long as one continues following a treatment plan, avoids inappropriate theft activity, deception, or dishonesty, or doing anything else that might cause one to be incarcerated in a correctional facility or violated while on some form of supervision or probation. Those who participate in the RESPONSIBLE CHOICES PROGRAM find that they are more able to maintain their theft-free status and avoid new legal problems. They generally experience more balance in relations with family, friends, school, and employers. Participants find themselves living in a way that their family will feel proud. RESPONSIBLE CHOICES PROGRAM SESSIONS The length of the program may vary by individual circumstances, but the minimum length of the program is generally 20 weeks, which may be extended until resolution of the thoughts and theft behaviors are clear; Participants are assigned individual sessions, and/or group sessions, Written Task Assignments consist of the following: An Initial Criminal Thinking Screening Interview to: 1) Assess Amenability or Suitability for Treatment participation, 2) Assess the seriousness level of the Defective Criminal Thinking, 3) Assess the Risk of Re-offending Theft Behavior, 4) Assess the Danger to Public Safety, and ) to assess the offenders treatment needs, 3) to assess the offender's need for other mental health and/or substance abuse treatment; 4) to develop Recommendations for the Content and Structure of the Treatment Program needed by the particular offender. All treatment needs are addressed through Treatment or Referral to appropriate services. The Individual or Offender must be willing to accept all referrals for treatment of any mental health, emotional, psychiatric, or chemical dependency, domestic violence or anger problem identified. Offender typically participate in weekly treatment groups that also include specific Psycho-educational information, discussion topics, and evaluate lethality and progress in treatment. The Individual or offender Progress Review sessions are held with each to discuss progress, provide encouragement, guide the individual towards positive change and assist in achievement of all goals. All Individuals or offenders are required to complete seven (7) major program treatment task assignments (homework, and presentation to the group members for feedback). If an offender has attended 20 group meetings, but has not completed all 7 treatment task assignments to the satisfaction of the Counselor, he/she will be required to continue attending group meetings until all treatment task assignments are completed. Relapse Prevention Plan Session is held with each offender to: Review Progress, Finalize the Relapse Prevention Plan. Each client or offender is encouraged to use the Relapse Prevention Plan in his/her daily living and discuss the results with their treatment group or therapist. An Aftercare/Discharge Planning Session is held with each offender before final completion to: Review Progress, Review the Theft Relapse Prevention Plan, Complete an Aftercare Plan, Document Completion of the Defective Criminal Thinking and Behavior Program for the appropriate Court, Probation/Parole Office, Child Protective Service, employer, family, significant others, or parents, and to say Goodbye unless the offender is choosing to continue in voluntary treatment. Spouses, partners, or parent(s) may help by becoming familiar with the thinking errors, correctives, and deterrents, assisting with learning to identify errors, assisting with using the correctives and deterrents by pointing them out at home. Feedback as to which errors one sees most frequently can be very helpful, especially when you make it less often. All individuals are ask to contract with a partner who will need to be involved in sessions as they are requested (often one or both parents), generally at least monthly to discuss progress. Adult partners may also be ask to participate in the actual weekly group sessions or to attend individual progress reviews, as helpful. As a teen, one may have come referred by parents, high school principal, counselor, the Board of Education, juvenile Court Probation Officer, Juvenile Court, or even a Court Worker who assist in avoiding the expense of court/legal problems, attorneys, while helping with the immediate problem - avoiding taking what is NOT yours. GOALS of the RESPONSIBLE CHOICES PROGRAM include: Cessation of all Theft & Dishonest Offensive Behaviors, Ownership or Responsibility, Coping Tools, Restitution Plan , Community Service Plan, Relapse Prevention Plan, Amends Plan, Aftercare Plan, and Empathy for the Victim. Alternative Diversion Proposals or Alternative Sentencing Proposals are designed to provide the Court with a true and viable ALTERNATIVE TO ANY PERMANENT LEGAL RECORD OR CONVICTION OR INCARCERATION. The voluntary/offender participant’s ILLEGAL theft behavior an/or COMPULSIVE SHOPLIFTING BEHAVIOR can be addressed in any plan in addition to other goals of Alternative Diversion Sentencing or Alternative Diversion Sentencing dictated by the elements of each case. A Structured Recovery Program that Includes Individual Counseling, Shoplifters Anonymous Participation, Completion of a Recovery Dynamics Program, Relapse Prevention Planning, and Aftercare Planning, All help to ensure the Offender’s slow transition toward a solid recovery, serves as continued monitoring for the Court, as well as enhance the possibility that the Offender will achieve all of their recovery goals. ALCOHOL & DRUGS THERAPY PROGRAM Alcohol/Drug Therapy Program The Alcohol/Drug Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, Interventions Counseling, court ordered therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Alcohol/Drug Therapy Programs are: to assist family members in resolution of alcohol/drug problems, to assist parents in resolution of alcohol / drug problems, to assist children or adolescents in resolution of alcohol/drug problems. DUI/PI/AI Court-Ordered Therapy Program The DUI/PI/AI/DC (Driving Under The Influence, Public Intoxication, Alcohol Intoxication, Disorderly Conduct, etc.) Court-Ordered Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an Individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Alcohol/Drug Therapy Programs are: to assist you and family members when feasible in resolution of DUI problems, and to develop a Relapse Prevention Plan to reduce the risk of future violations. Co-Dependency Therapy Program The Co-Dependency Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Co-Dependency Therapy Program are: to assist family members in resolution of co-dependency issues, to assist parents in resolution of co-dependency issues, to assist with co-dependency issues in resolution of dysfunctional relationships. Adult Children Of Alcoholic/Addicts Therapy Program The Adult Child Of Alcoholic Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Adult Child Of Alcoholic Therapy Program are: to assist all family members in resolution of ACOA problems, to assist in resolution of ACOA problems. Nicotine Dependency Therapy Program The Nicotine Dependency Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The primary goal of the Nicotine Dependency Therapy Program is to stop all smoking or use of tobacco in any form, are: to assist family members in resolution of nicotine dependency problems, to assist parents in resolution of nicotine dependency problems, and to assist children/ adolescents in resolution of nicotine dependency problems. Dual Diagnosis Therapy Program The Dual Diagnosis Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Dual Diagnosis Therapy Program are: to reduce symptoms of both illnesses, and to find balance. Intensive Outpatient Therapy Program The Intensive Outpatient Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Activities may include: assessment, education, intervention planning, intervention counseling, court intervention design, group, individual, self-help orientation, adolescent acting-out, recovery study group, family involvement, etc. Probation and Parole Offender Therapy Program The Probation and Parole Offender Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an Individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of theProbation and Parole Offender Therapy Program are: to assist you and your family members with Alcohol/Drug problems and Mental Health problems when feasible in resolution of DUI, PI, AI, Possession, Paraphernalia, Possession for sale, Theft, etc. problems, and to develop a Relapse Prevention Plan to reduce the risk of future violations. ALTERNATIVE SENTENCING PROGRAM The Alternative Sentencing Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. An Alternative Sentencing Proposal is developed. The goals of the Alternative Sentencing Therapy Program are: to assist the family with developing an alternative sentencing proposal to incarceration, to assist the children & adolescents with developing an alternative sentencing proposal to incarceration, to assist the parents with developing an alternative sentencing proposal to incarceration. ALTERNATIVE DIVERSION SENTENCING PROGRAM The Alternative Diversion Sentencing Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. An Alternative Sentencing Proposal is developed. The goals of the Alternative Sentencing Therapy Program are: to assist the family with developing an alternative sentencing proposal to incarceration, to assist the children & adolescents with developing an alternative sentencing proposal to incarceration, to assist the parents with developing an alternative sentencing proposal to incarceration. ANGER MANAGEMENT THERAPY PROGRAM The Anger Management Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, self-help, intervention, court intervention, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy emotion. When it gets out of control and turns destructive, it may lead to problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life. You may feel out of Control. Our Anger Management Program consists of a minimum number of sessions focusing on: What Is Anger, Strategies To Manage Your Anger , Determining Your Need For Counseling, Problem With Your Anger or Not, Chemical Dependency and Anger, The Cycle of Violence, Role Stereotyping, Power Issues and Anger, Conflict Resolution, Empathy for our victims, Stress Management. Clients are encouraged to be involved in self-help support programs when appropriate. Continued counseling is encouraged after completing these sessions. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested, provided a release of information is signed by the client. The goals of the Anger Management Therapy Program are: to improve basic safety, to assist the family, parents, or children with anger management. Anger is one of the most important feelings that we need to learn to deal with and express in a healthy way when we are angry. Almost always what happens is our emotions get the best of us. Ask yourself a few simple questions. Check all that you believe the answer is yes. Do you lose your temper daily? Have you ever hit somebody because you have lost your temper? Do you say things you regret or do embarrassing things when you feel angry? Have you broken anything when you are angry? (i.e. Punching through a wall)? Do you find yourself getting upset about insignificant things? Do you find your self in frequent arguments because of your anger? Have you ever been involved in domestic violence? Does drinking alcohol make you more prone to getting angry? Do you inflict pain on your self or others when angry? Is most of your anger from home? Is most of your anger from work? Do you feel frustrated when trying to express your self? Do you find your self with road rage? You may want to consider an evaluation and anger management program if you answered yes to any of these questions. Counseling can help with your anger management problem in the following ways: You learn tips and techniques to management your anger; You get professional advice and counseling on anger management; You find the root of your problem; You get treatment for anger and other issues; You are helped to feel better about your self; You get help with relationships; and You get help with communicating your feelings. Some tips that may assist you with Anger Management include Talk to a counselor; Remember you are in control of your emotions, not your emotions in control of you; Think positive and see the best in others; Take your self out of the situation; 5. Laugh it off; Read a self help book; Relax and take deep breathes of fresh air; Write your feelings in a journal; Pray or meditate; Exercise or do some constructive physical activity; etc. CHILDREN'S THERAPY PROGRAM The Children's & Adolescence Therapy Program begins with an assessment which may include sessions with the adolescent, parents, the entire family, or extended family. begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Our Kids Counseling Program includes: Kids Support Therapy, Chemical Dependency, Mental Health, ADD/ADHD, Behavioral Therapy, Intervention, School Problems, Survivor/ Abuse Problems, and Grief. The initial assessment may include sessions with the adolescent, parents, the entire family, or extended family. A treatment plan is developed which may address adolescent adjustment problems, grief or loss issues, acting out behavior, school problems, difficulty with relationship building, self- esteem issues, and/or childhood trauma. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested, provided a release of information is signed. Drug Screening is available upon request. The goals of the Children's & Adolescence Therapy Program are: to assist the children in resolution of specific identified problems, to assist the children in transition or reunification with the family. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. Drug Screening is available upon request Mental Health Therapy Program The Children's & Adolescence Mental Health Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Children's & Adolescence Mental Health Therapy Program are: to assist the children in resolution of specific identified mental health problems, and recovery. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. Chemical Dependency Therapy Program The Children's & Adolescence Chemical Dependency Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Children's & Adolescence Chemical Dependency Therapy Program are: to assist the children in resolution of specific identified Alcohol and Drug Problems, and recovery. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. School Intervention Therapy Program The School Intervention Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the school intervention program are: to assist the children or adolescents in obtaining an education, to assist the children or adolescents with grade/academic problems, to assist the children or adolescents with behavioral problems, to assist the children or adolescents with resolution of alcohol or drug problems, to assist the children or adolescents with resolution of anger management problems, to assist the children or adolescents with resolution of blended family problems, to assist the children or adolescents with resolution of behavioral problems, to assist the children or adolescents with resolution of school related problems, to assist the children or adolescents with resolution of low-esteem problems, to assist the children or adolescents with resolution of survivor of abuse problems. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. Behavioral Therapy Program The Behavioral Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, intervention, court intervention, self-help, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Behavioral Therapy Program are: to reduce unhealthy/inappropriate behavior, to learn and practice new ways of coping, to improve behavior. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. ADHD-ADD Therapy Program The ADHD-ADD Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the ADD-ADHD therapy program are: to reduce symptoms of ADD-ADHD, to improve grades, to improve behavior, to reduce hyperactivity, to increase focus ability in school and at home, and to stabilize mood. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. Childhood Trauma Therapy Program The Childhood Trauma Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Childhood Trauma Therapy Program are: to reduce symptoms of trauma, to resolve feelings attached to the events, and to stabilize healthy functioning in all areas of the client's life. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. COACHING The coaching Program offers private and confidential online and offline Coaching Programs to assist Children, Adolescence, Seniors and Adults in your journey to discovering solutions to Individual, Marital, Partner, Family, Spiritual, Relational, School, Mental Health, Adjustment, Eating Disorder, Grief, Trauma, Sexual, Alcohol/Drug, Employment, Compulsive Behavior, Compulsive Gambling, Anger, Domestic Violence, Offender, Legal System, Court System, LGBT, Gender, Survivor/Victim Problems as well as discovering solutions to your Company, Corporation, Agency, Government Organization Problems. CO-DEPENDENCY THERAPY PROGRAM The Co-Dependency Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Co-Dependency Therapy Program are: to assist family members in resolution of co-dependency issues, to assist parents in resolution of co-dependency issues, to assist with co-dependency issues in resolution of dysfunctional relationships. COMPULSIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY PROGRAM The Divorce/Separation Adjustment Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, self-help, intervention, court intervention, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Compulsive Behavior Therapy Programs are: to assist family members in resolution of compulsive behavior problems, to assist parents in resolution of compulsive behavior problems, and to assist child (ren) or adolescents in resolution of compulsive behavior problems. Sex Dependency/Addiction Therapy Program The Sex Dependency/Addiction Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, intervention, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Sexual Dependency/Addiction Therapy Programs are: to assist individuals and their family members in resolution of sexual addiction problems, to assist parents in resolution of sexual dependency/addiction problems, to assist children or adolescents in resolution of sexual dependency/addiction problems. Relationship Dependency Addiction Therapy Program The Relationship Dependency Addiction Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, intervention, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Components of the psycho-educational, individual or group sessions include: 1) Personal addiction history, 2) Power and control issues, 3) Conflict resolution, 4) Behavioral change contracts, and 5)Empathy for our partners experience. The goal of our Sexual Addiction Program is to support recovery in all aspects of an individual's life regardless of their behavioral, emotional, or attitudinal problems. The goals of the Relationship Dependency/Addiction Therapy Program are: to assist family members in resolution of relationship dependency/addiction problems, to assist parents in resolution of relationship dependency/addiction problems, to assist children or adolescents in resolution of relationship dependency/addiction problems. Love Dependency/Addiction Therapy Program The Love Dependency/Addiction Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, intervention, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Sexual/Love/Relational Dependency/Addiction Therapy Programs are: to assist family members in resolution of sexual addiction problems, to assist parents in resolution of sexual addiction problems, to assist children or adolescents in resolution of sexual dependency/addiction problems. Other Compulsive Behaviors (see Compulsive) Return to Top COMPULSIVE GAMBLING THERAPY PROGRAM The Compulsive Gambling Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, self-help (Gamblers Anonymous), intervention, court intervention, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Compulsive Gambling Therapy Program are: to gain a commitment to total abstinence from all gambling behavior, to improve basis safety through healthy children, and parent(s), to assist the identified family member with understanding compulsive gambling, to assist the family with compulsive gambling therapy for the identified gambler, and to assist the children & adolescents with understanding compulsive gambling. Return to Top COUNSELING EDUCATION PROGRAM Counseling education Program offers private, confidential online and offline Mental Health and Substance Abuse Education Programs COURT DIVERSION THERAPY PROGRAM The Court Diversion Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, intervention, court intervention, self-help, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Court Diversion Therapy Program are: to assist the children & adolescence with developing a diversion plan to prosecution and conviction, and to assist the parents with developing a diversion plan to prosecution and conviction. Return to Top DEFECTIVE THINKING THERAPY PROGRAMS The Defective Thinking Therapy Programs were designed for offenders who have Criminal Thinking, and who Steal, Shoplift, Rob, Embezzle, or Scam from other what does not belong to them, andbegins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, behavior management training/Therapy, intervention, court intervention, self-help, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Defective Thinking Therapy Program are: to assist the family with correcting defective or distorted thinking, to assist the children & adolescents with correcting defective or distorted thinking, and to assist the parents with correcting defective or distorted thinking. Return to Top DOMESTIC VIOLENCE THERAPY PROGRAM The Domestic Violence Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Domestic Violence Therapy Program are: cessation of all domestic violence, to improve basic safety through healthy children, and parent(s), to provide domestic violence therapy to the identified parent(s) or family member, to provide intense domestic violence therapy to the identified parent(s), to improve communication skills of the domestically violent identified parent(s). Our Domestic Violence Therapy Program includes: Men's Domestic Violence, Women's Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence Education, and Group Therapy. The program is for a minimum of 20 group sessions (up to 50 group sessions focusing on: (1) Anger Management; (2) Chemical Dependency; (3) The Cycle of Violence; (4) Role Stereotyping; (5) Power Issues; (6) Conflict Resolution; (7) Empathy for the victim; and (8) Stress Management. Clients are encouraged to be involved in self-help support programs when appropriate. Continued counseling is encouraged after completing the sessions. Client complete written treatment task assignments to assist them with denial, self-awareness, and empathy for their victims. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested, provided a release of information is signed by the client Return to Top DUAL DIAGNOSIS THERAPY PROGRAM The Dual Diagnosis Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Dual Diagnosis Therapy Program are: to reduce symptoms of both illnesses, and to find balance. Return to Top EATING DISORDERS THERAPY PROGRAM The Eating Disorders Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Eating Disorders Therapy Program are: to stabilize eating behavior, to reduce overeating behavior, to learn healthy eating habits, and to lose, gain or stabilize weight. The Eating Disorders Therapy Program may involve plans to resolve Anorexia, Bulimia, Bulimarexia, Compulsive Overeating, or Malnourishment as well as Intervention Services. Anorexia The goals of the Anorexia Eating Disorders Therapy Program are: to stabilize eating behavior, to increase healthy eating behavior, to learn healthy eating habits, and to gain weight to a "normal" level and stabilize weight. The Anorexia Eating Disorders Therapy Program may involve Intervention services if weight is below the necessary level for health or if blood tests indicate a threat to life. Bulimia The goals of the Bulimia Eating Disorders Therapy Program are: to stabilize eating behavior, to reduce overeating behavior, to learn healthy eating habits, and to lose, gain or stabilize weight. The Eating Disorders Therapy Program may involve plans to resolve Bulimia through an Intervention Services. Bulimarexia The goals of the Bulimarexia Eating Disorders Therapy Program are: to stabilize eating behavior, to reduce or eliminate overeating behavior, to learn healthy eating habits, to lose, gain or stabilize weight, and to manage to retain all food eaten (Not Regurgitate). The Bulimarexia Eating Disorders Therapy Program may involve plans to resolve Bulimia through an Intervention Services. Compulsive Overeating The goals of the Compulsive Overeating Eating Disorders Therapy Program are: to stabilize eating behavior, to reduce or eliminate overeating behavior, to learn healthy eating habits, to lose, or stabilize weight, and to eat appropriate portions, qualities, types of food to achieve ones realistic goal weight. The Compulsive Overeating Eating Disorders Therapy Program may involve plans to resolve Compulsive Overeating through Intervention Services. Malnourishment The Malnourishment Eating Disorders Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Malnourishment Eating Disorders Therapy Program are: to stabilize eating behavior, to reduce overeating behavior, to learn healthy eating habits, and to lose, gain or stabilize weight. The Eating Disorders Therapy Program may involve plans to resolve Malnourishment through Intervention Services. Return to Top FAMILY THERAPY PROGRAM Our Family Counseling Program includes: Couples/Family Education, Parenting, Parenting Skills, Couples Therapy, and Dysfunctional Multifamily Therapy Groups. The program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. A treatment plan is developed for each family which may include divorce adjustment counseling, grief and loss issues, child management, parenting issues, problem solving, conflict resolution, and relationship skill development. Self-help programs are encouraged when deemed appropriate. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested provided a release of information is signed by the clients. Family Systems Therapy Program The Family Systems Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized treatment plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological before completion. When agreement has been reached with all parties including: Court, Child Protective Service, DH & A, Inc., and other agencies involved, the parent(s) and children will begin transitional counseling with the Parenting Therapist with the goal of maintaining the family (with CPS Worker or Court support only). During this time, the Parenting Professionals have ample opportunity to observe parent-child interactions and provide structured activities to assist in the transition process as well as providing feedback concerning their individual strengths and weaknesses to the CPS Worker or the Court. Each program plan is individual to the family and circumstances. The overall goals of our transition therapy program are: to improve basic safety through healthy parenting, to maintain the family when possible, to reunify families when possible, and to assist families in taking corrective actions. Family Transitional Therapy Parenting Program The Family Transition Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized treatment plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological before completion. When agreement has been reached with all parties including: Court, Child Protective Service, DH & A, Inc., and other agencies involved, the parent(s) and children will begin transitional counseling with the Parenting Therapist with the goal of maintaining the family (with CPS Worker or Court support only). During this time, the Parenting Professionals have ample opportunity to observe parent-child interactions and provide structured activities to assist in the transition process as well as providing feedback concerning their individual strengths and weaknesses to the CPS Worker or the Court. Each program plan is individual to the family and circumstances. The overall goals of our transition therapy program are: to improve basic safety through healthy parenting, to maintain the family when possible, to reunify families when possible, and to assist families in taking corrective actions. Family Reunification Therapy Parenting Program The Family Reunification Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized treatment plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological before completion. When agreement has been reached with all parties- the court, Child Protective Service, DH &A, Inc., and other agencies involved the parent(s) and children will begin reunification counseling with the Parenting Therapist with the goal of reuniting the family that has been separated (with CPS Worker or court support only). During this time, the Parenting Professionals have ample opportunity to observe parent-child interactions and provide structured activities to assist in the reunification process as well as provide feedback concerning individual strengths and weaknesses to the CPS Worker or the Court. Each program plan is individual to the family and circumstances. The program consists of sessions structured to assist the parent(s) and children with parenting and relational issues and meet as needed with the Parenting Specialist. The group focuses on "Re-Parenting" the parent in order to facilitate nurturing parent-child interaction. Topics include alternatives to corporal punishment, behavioral management techniques, discipline, choices, and consequences developing empathy for the children, as well as Relapse Prevention Planning, and Aftercare Planning. Learning takes place on cognitive, feeling, and behavioral levels. Through the process of re-parenting, the parent(s) experiences nurturing and develops the necessary skills to nurture their children as well as address their own fears and emotions. The overall goals of our Parenting Therapy Program are: To Improve Basic Safety Through Healthy Parenting, to reunify families that have been separated when possible, to assist families in taking corrective actions. Return to Top GAMBLING-COMPULSIVE THERAPY PROGRAM Our Compulsive Gambling Program includes: Outpatient CG Program , Intensive Out-Patient Program, CG Education Program, CG Relapse Prevention Planning, and CG Aftercare Planning, Compulsive Gambling and Co-Dependency, Compulsive Gambling and Significant Others, Compulsive Gambling and Adult Children of Compulsive Gamblers, and consists of:(1) An evaluation; (2) Individualized treatment plan to address the client's recovery; (3) Weekly face-to-face contact with the therapist; (4) Attendance of Gambler’s anonymous program meetings (GA ) with documentation; (5) Weekly participation in Study Group to learn the "how-to(s)" of recovery; (6) Obtaining a sponsor and maintaining regular contact with documentation; (7) Contact with the therapist for monitoring progress; (8) Individualized counseling program; (9) group counseling program (9) financial intervention, and involvement of the spouse as possible. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested, provided a release of information is signed by the client. Return to Top GENDER DISORDER THERAPY PROGRAM Dave Harmon Dave Harmon, Program Director of the Gender Disorder Treatment Program has a sincere interest in the transgender community, and in providing counseling and referral services to those experiencing Gender Confusion, or Gender Transition. Dave Harmon has provided evaluation, treatment, and referral services as well as other assistance to over 50 individual experiencing gender confusion and transition (MTFs, and FTMs) choices in their quest to find their true selves by addressing their gender dysphoria, gender role transition, couples, child care, child abuse, marriage resolution, custody, dysfunctional family history, In-Transition problems, daily living problems, and a list of other issues, etc. Dave Harmon has assisted over 15 transgendered persons in their desire to state hormone therapy and complete sex reassignment surgery in the past two years. Dave Harmon has provided individual therapy too many and provided a weekly support group for a period. Dave Harmon provides complete pre-op and post-op psychotherapy through Transition, assisting with referrals, making recommendations for hormonal therapy and sex reassignment surgery when appropriate. Online and Offline Gender Therapy is available and recommended. Dave Harmon, Clinical Director and other clinical professionals has experience in working with the transsexual and transgendered communities. All sessions are Private and Confidential. Insurance. The Gender Disorder Program offers Online and Off-line private mental health, alcohol, drug, personal growth counseling, therapy, training, consultation, and intervention programs providing individual, couple, and small group sessions focusing on all who are in transition (MTFs & FTMs) and addresses gender role transition, self acceptance, social acceptance, self-esteem, whole-self integration, coming-out, cross-dressing issues, gender dysphoria, couples issues, child abuse, dysfunctional family histories issues, chemical dependency issues, and ACOA or Co-Dependency issues, short and all counseling needs, and small group support. Harry Benjamin Standards of Care All Gender Programs utilizes the Harry Benjamin Standards of Care as our primary philosophical guide. Gender Disorder Evaluation The Gender Confusion Program and the Gender Transition, Acceptance And Identity Program begins with an Initial Evaluation by Dave Harmon and an individualized Treatment Plan. An Initial Evaluation is mandatory before one can participate in any gender disorder programs. Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. to clarify their gender issues and identity. Intake information may be emailed, faxed, or mailed to you at the time of your application and requires a $20 non-refundable enrollment fee. This fee must be paid by Visa, Master Charge, Cashiers Check, or Cash before initial appointment. Insurance can not be used for Internet or online counseling or therapy at this time due to the requirement of actual face-to-face contact by insurance companies. Self-pay fees or sliding scale fee options are available and do allow Internet or online counseling or therapy if appropriate. Goals The Gender Transition, Acceptance And Identity Program Goals are: to improve basic coping skills, to provide survivor therapy, to provide all needed therapy in a trans-friendly atmosphere, to provide transition therapy & support, to provide trans-friendly and appropriate referrals, to provide relational therapy, intervention planning, intervention counseling, court intervention, coaching, self-help orientation, assist significant others, as well as to assist individuals with coming-out issues at work, with spouse, with parents, with family, with friends, with spiritual support system, and with their faith community. Counseling Services Our Gender Programs offer private mental health, alcohol, drug, personal growth, and spiritual counseling or therapy, training, coaching, consultation, and intervention programs providing services for individuals with gender issues, gender confusion, gender dysphoria, cross-dressing issues, gender role transition issues, couples issues, child abuse issues, commitment resolution issues, custody issues, dysfunctional family histories, etc. The program focus is on Gender Identity, Transition, and Sexual Orientation. Individuals with questions about their gender, as well as their spouses, friends, significant others, friends, friends of friends, partners, caretakers, or couples are welcome. OUR SESSIONS are a place where you can find balance, self-acceptance, and inner peace while sharing your experience, strength, courage, and hope; get to know yourself better; gain support from others struggling with similar issues; move beyond your own sub-groups, thereby gaining a better perspective of who you are; learn new coping tools to deal with life's choices; and learn to have fun. We have a few openings available in our Transgender Program. Call for dates and times. All individuals must be individually evaluated to assure appropriate assignments and commitment to treatment before attending group. You may be asked to contract for a minimum of groups and participation. Families/Significant Others Counseling and therapy are also available to the families, partners, and significant others. Clinical services offered include mental health, alcohol, drug, personal growth counseling, training, consultation, and intervention program providing online and offline individual, couple, and small group sessions focusing on gender issues, self acceptance, social acceptance, whole-self integration, coming-out, cross-dressing issues, gender dysphoria, gender role transition, couples issues, child abuse, dysfunctional family histories issues, and ACOA or Co-Dependency issues, counseling needs, and small group support. Workshops maybe held at times typically focusing on gender issues, self-acceptance, and integration issues. The program serves the transsexual, transgendered, and other minority communities. Coming-Out Dave Harmon, Program Director of the Gender Program provids assistance to many in resolving 10) Coming-Out to the Family, 11) Coming-Out to the Employer, 12) Coming-Out to Your Spouse or Partner, 12) Managing a divorce after Coming-Out to Your Spouse or Partner,13) Coming-Out to your Children, 14) Coming-Out to the Community, 15) Coming-Out to your Friends,16) Coming-Out to your Spiritual Support System (Church, Spiritual Community). Other problem areas are 17) Gender Confusion, 18) Cross-Dressing, 19) Transition and Your Employer, etc. Trans Friendly Resources Dave Harmon provides assistance with locating of Trans Friendly Resources including: 20) churches, agencies, hair removal professionals, hair dresser professionals, cosmetics professionals, voice instruction/lessons, posturing instructions/ lessons. Dave Harmon, also provides counseling assistance or referral to other Trans-Friendly Resources including 22) counseling on "How To" build a Support Systems, 23) Mental Health, 24) Alcohol and Drug Abuse / Dependency, 25) Relational Problems, 26) Grief Resolution, etc. Dave Harmon, also provides assistance with locating of other Trans Friendly Resources including legal assistance, medical assistance, surgery assistance, hormone replacement therapy, trans-friendly entertainment, and 21) safety resource planning assistance, etc. Letters of Recommendation/Referral Dave Harmon provides Letters of Recommendation for Hormone Therapy, Letters of Recommendation for Sex Changer or Gender Correction Transgender Surgery, and Letters of Recommendation for Plastic Surgery, etc. Letters of Identification/Services Dave Harmon provides Letters of Identification to assist in avoiding problems or confrontations around restrooms throughout one’s transition, and to avoid legal problems, arrest, etc. Application for Name Change Dave Harmon provides assistance with the Application for Name Changes through the Legal System, etc. Application for Change of Gender on Driver’s License Dave Harmon provides assistance with the Applications for Change of Gender on Driver’s License with the DOT. Application for Change of Gender on Social Security, Insurances Dave Harmon provides assistance with the Applications for Change of Gender on Social Security, Insurances, etc. PROGRAM TREATMENT PHASES Phase I: Gender Confusion & Identity Program The Gender Confusion & Identity Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an Individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services to explore one's own sexuality. We may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The first phase (Phase I) consist of orientation and education about transgender concerns, community attitudes, support system issues, survival issues, etc. Clinical issues include gaining a better understanding of community attitudes, community dangers, hormone therapy, sex change therapy, referrals, hormone therapy, developing an awareness of trans-friendly resources in the community, educational counseling, behavior management training, and behavior management therapy. Other issues addressed include: sexual identity confusion issues, marital/relational/partner issues, family, intervention, coming-out issues at work/with spouse/ with parents/with family/with friends/with spiritual support/community and with the community at large, as well as coaching, and self-help orientation. Phase II: Gender Transition, Acceptance And Identity Program Individuals who join the Gender Transition, Acceptance And Identity Program generally go through a four phased program as outline below. Our Gender Transition, Acceptance And Identity Program offers mental health, alcohol, drug, personal growth, and spiritual counseling or therapy, training, coaching, consultation, and intervention programs providing services for individuals with gender confusion, gender issues, gender dysphoria, cross-dressing issues, gender role transition issues, couples issues, child abuse issues, commitment resolution issues, custody issues, dysfunctional family histories, domestic violence issues, and etc. Phase III of The Gender Transition, Acceptance And Identity Program Phase III of the Gender Transition, Acceptance and Identity Program focuses on Continuing Evaluation, following the agreed individualized Transition Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services to clarify their gender issues and identity. Clinical issues include personalizing an understanding of community attitudes, community dangers, hormone therapy, sex change therapy, referral, hormone therapy, an awareness of trans-friendly resources in the community, continued educational counseling, behavior management training, and behavior management. Phase IV: Gender Transition, Acceptance And Identity Program - Aftercare Phase During Phase IV of the Gender The Aftercare Phase of the Gender Transition, Acceptance And Identity Program consist of continued utilization of all education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services to achieve the primary goals of their individualized treatment plan as needed only. The focus during Phase IV is on adjusting to the "newly found person", dealing effectively with community attitudes, dealing effectively with community dangers, continuing self-care such as hormone therapy, referral for and starting hormone therapy, exploring options and making tentative decisions concerning sex change surgeries, assessing in decisions on transition issues, utilizing trans-friendly resources in the community, continuing educational counseling, behavior management training, and behavior management therapy as needed, utilizing therapy primarily as a support, setting time-tables to achieve goals. Our professionals provide online and offline group, couple, individual, education, transition support, referral, training, consultation, and intervention services.We have a few openings available in our Transgender Program. Call for dates and times. All individuals must be individually evaluated to assure appropriate assignments and commitment to treatment before attending group. You may be asked to contract for a minimum of groups and participation. Return to Top GRIEF THERAPY PROGRAM The Grief & Loss Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Grief is emotional suffering caused by "any loss", including the loss of a loved one, loss of hopes and dreams, etc. Grief is not always obvious. Have you experienced any of the following symptoms- No energy or motivation, Feeling fatigued, Feeling depressed, Loss of appetite Inability to think of anything except he loss, Feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness, Losing interest in daily activities, Being overcome with sudden, intense feelings of desperation, Loss of a relative or friend, Loss of a person you knew before chemical use took over, 1oss of the future you hoped to have together, Loss of the image of the ideal parent or spouse, loss of your ability to control your life, and loss of the support and help of a spouse or partner in parenting, running a household, maintaining family finances, social activities, and community /school responsibilities? You may be grieving without realizing so. You may want to have an initial assessment to determine if you are dealing with your losses in a healthy way. The goals of the grief & loss therapy program are: to reduce symptoms of grief & loss, and to resolve grief & loss. Return to Top INTERVENTION COUNSELING PROGRAM The Intervention Counseling/Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, intervention, court intervention, self-help, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Activities may include: assessment, education, intervention planning, intervention counseling, court intervention design, group, individual, self-help orientation, adolescent acting-out, recovery study group, family involvement, etc. The goals of the Intervention Counseling Program are: to provide intervention counseling, to gain acceptance of treatment as a option for resolution of a particular problem (examples: court diversion, court alternative sentencing, intervention design, adolescent acting-out, alcohol/drug, compulsive gambling, mental health, behavioral, family, school, employer, probation/parole, etc.). Intervention may be most appropriate when there is resistance to therapy, entering therapy, or understanding. Intervention services include: intervention consultation, intervention counseling, court intervention planning, adult intervention, adolescent intervention, school intervention, family intervention, alcohol/drug intervention, compulsive gambling intervention, mental health intervention, eating disorders intervention, acting-out intervention, employment intervention, probation /parole violation, diversion program intervention, alternative sentencing intervention. Return to Top LGBT THERAPY PROGRAM (Court-ordered & Voluntary) The LGBT Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an Individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Issues addressed include marital/relational, family, intervention, court intervention, coming out issues at work, coming out issues with spouse, coming out issues with parents, coming out issues with family, coming out issues with friends, coming out issues with spiritual support, coming out issues with community, coaching, self-help orientation. The LGBT community member is eligible to participate in all programs at including: Alcohol & Drugs Therapy Program, Intensive Outpatient Therapy Program, Mental Health Therapy Program, Gender Disorder Therapy Program, Couple/Partner Therapy, Marriage/Couple/Partner Therapy Program, Pre-Couple/Partner Counseling Program, Blended Family Therapy Program, Separation Adjustment Therapy Program, as well as LGBT specific issues such as Sex Role Confusion, Educational Counseling, Intervention Planning, Intervention Counseling, Court Intervention, Court Intervention Design, Coming Out Issues At Work, , Coming Out Issues With Spouse, Coming Out Issues With Parents, Coming Out Issues With Family, Coming Out Issues With Friends, Coming Out Issues With Spiritual Support, Coming Out Issues With Community, Coaching, Self-Help Orientation, and Significant Others, Aids Support. Our LGBT Relationship/Partner Counseling Program includes: Role Confusion, homophobia, In-Transition Program, Support Therapy, Gay Men's Couples Support, Lesbian Couples Support, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Pre-Commitment Counseling, Couples Therapy, Relational Problems, Compulsive Relationships, Healthy Relationship Education. Self-help programs are encouraged when deemed appropriate. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested provided the clients sign a release of information. The goals of the Gay/Lesbian Therapy Program are: to improve basic coping skills, to provide survivor therapy, to provide all needed therapy in a LGBT friendly atmosphere, to provide LGBT transition therapy & support, to provide LGBT friendly and appropriate referrals, and to provide relational therapy. Return to Top MARRIAGE/COUPLE/PARTNER THERAPY (Court-ordered & Voluntary) Marriage/Couple/Partner Therapy begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan, that may include education, individual therapy, couple therapy, written assignments, reading assignment, exercise assignments, and referral for a Psychological Evaluation. The goals of the marriage/couple/partner therapy program are: to provide supportive therapy to marriages or couples or partners, to provide intense marriage/couple/partner therapy, to improve basic safety through healthy marriage/couple/partner therapy, to improve marriage/couple/partner communication skills, and to establish or improve marriage/couple/partner boundary setting skills. Marriage/Couple/Partner Therapy Program The goals of the marriage/couple/partner therapy program are: to provide supportive therapy to marriages or couples or partners, to provide intense marriage/couple/partner therapy, to improve basic safety through healthy marriage/couple/partner therapy, to improve marriage/couple/partner communication skills, and to establish or improve marriage/couple/partner boundary setting skills. Pre-Marital Couple/Partner Counseling Program The goals of the pre-marital couple/partner therapy program are: to provide supportive education and counseling therapy to pre-marital couples/partners, to improve basic safety through healthy pre-marital couples/partners counseling, to assure good pre-marital couples/partners communication skills, and to assure pre-marital couples/partners boundary setting skills and compatibility. Blended Family Therapy Program (Court-ordered & Voluntary) The goals of the blended family therapy programs are: to improve basic safety through healthy parenting, to resolved blended family system problems, to provide supportive therapy for the blended family, to provide intense blended family therapy for the family, to improve family communication skills, and to improve boundary-setting skills in the blended family. Divorce/Separation Adjustment Therapy Program (Court-ordered & Voluntary) The Divorce/Separation Adjustment Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan, will involve separate Initial Evaluations, and may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and a Psychological Evaluation. The goals of the divorce/ separation adjustment therapy program are: to assist healthy adjustment after divorce/separation for all family members, to provide supportive therapy to all family members during and after separation or divorce, to provide intense divorce or separation adjustment therapy for parent(s), to improve basic safety through healthy divorce or separation adjustment therapy for parent(s), to improve communication skills of divorced or separated couples/parent(s)partners, and to establish or improve boundary setting skills. MENTAL HEALTH THERAPY PROGRAM The Mental Health Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the mental health therapy programs are: to assist the family in resolution of mental health problems, to assist the parents in resolution of mental health problems, and to assist the children or adolescents in resolution of mental health problems. Mental Health Therapy Programs include programs to address the following problem areas: anxiety, panic attack, depression, adjustment, grief resolution, trauma resolution, and intervention. Anxiety Disorder Therapy Program The Anxiety Disorder Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Anxiety Disorder Therapy Program are: to reduce symptoms of anxiety, to improve self-confidence, and to reduce or eliminate symptoms of panic attacks disorder. Depression Disorder Therapy Program The Depression Disorder Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the depressive disorder therapy program are: to reduce depression, to stabilize eating behavior, to stabilize sleep, to increase hopefulness, to increase people contacts, and to reduce isolation. Bi-Polar Disorder Therapy Program The Bi-Polar Disorder Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Bi-Polar Disorder Therapy Program are: to stabilize mood, to reduce highs and lows, and to learn healthy coping tools. The Eating Disorders Therapy Program may involve plans to resolve Anorexia, Bulimia, Compulsive Overeating, Malnourishment as well as Intervention Services, or to improve eating habits. ADD-ADHD Therapy Program Our ADD-ADHD Disorder Therapy Program begins with an initial assessment which may require psychiatric consultation. Self-help programs will be encouraged when appropriate. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested, provided a release of information is signed by the client. Adjustment Disorders Therapy Program Our Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Counseling Program begins with an initial assessment which may require psychiatric consultation. Self-help programs will be encouraged when appropriate. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested, provided a release of information is signed by the client. Return to Top PARENTING THERAPY PROGRAM The Parenting Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The overall goals of our parenting therapy program are: to improve basic safety through healthy parenting; to maintain the family, to provide supportive therapy for parent(s), to improve family communication skills, and to improve parent's boundary setting skills. Return to Top PARENTING NURTURING SKILLS EDUCATION PROGRAMS (AGES 0-17) (Court-ordered & Voluntary) The Nurturing Parenting Skills Education Program begins with an Initial Evaluation of each family member before any treatment begins. Each parent and child in the family is assigned an individualized treatment plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and usually a combination of all these services. The treatment plan is developed with the client or family. Psychological Evaluation and Recommendations are available and may be necessary before completion of the initial treatment plan. The Nurturing Parent Skills Education Program meet for at least twelve weeks, or more often as recommended by the Parenting Specialist. The focus in all education programs is on "Re-Parenting" the parent in order to facilitate nurturing parent-child interaction. Topics include alternatives to corporal punishment, behavioral management techniques, discipline, choices, consequences and developing empathy for the children, as well as Relapse Prevention Planning, and Aftercare Planning. Learning takes place on cognitive, feeling, and behavioral levels. Through the process of re-parenting, the parent(s) experiences nurturing and develops the necessary skills to nurture their children as well as address their own fears and emotions. The overall goals of our parenting education program are: to improve basic safety through healthy parenting, to maintain the family when possible, to reunify families that have been separated when possible, and to assist families in taking corrective actions. All programs are facilitated by one of our professional family or parenting specialist/therapist. The length of the therapy program will vary based on the needs of the parent(s), children, and the family as a whole. The primary focus is determined through an on-going evaluation, but usually involves exploring the diseases of addiction, the diseases of mental illness, and dysfunctional family issues, while providing a safe environment for the children and adults to claim their own recovery. Throughout the treatment process the children and parent(s) are continuously assessed for needed interventions or services to the parent(s), children or family. Child Protective Services and the Courts are kept informed and are considered a part of the team. Child Protective Services Workers are welcomed and encouraged to participate in treatment planning conferences in-person or by phone. DH & A provides therapy for the ENTIRE FAMILY. Separate Educational Sessions are available for the parents of the following age groups: ages 0-3, ages 4-11, ages 12-17 or on an individual/family basis. Parenting specialists are certified in Parenting Skills programs appropriate to each age group. Nurturing Parenting Skills Education Programs (ages 0-3) The primary goals of the Nurturing Parenting Skills Education Programs (ages 0-3) is the safety of the children, and the improvement of parenting skills needed to strengthen the Parent(s) -Children relationship. Nurturing Parenting Skills Education Programs (ages 4-11) The primary goals of the Nurturing Parenting Skills Education Programs (ages 4-11) is the safety of the children, and the improvement of parenting skills needed to strengthen the Parent-Children relationship. Nurturing Parenting Skills Education Programs (ages 12-17) The primary goals of the Nurturing Parenting Skills Education Programs (ages 12-17) is the safety of the children, and the improvement of parenting skills needed to strengthen the Parent-Child (ren) relationship. Parent-Child Supervised Visitation Program (Court-Ordered/Child Protective Service Requested Only) The Parent-Child Visitation Program begins with an Intake & Application Session. A court-order or a referral from Child Protective Service is required before an Initial Intake & Application Session can take place. This is followed by an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Parent-Child Visitation Program are: to reduce risk of abuse while maintaining parent-child relationships within the guidelines established by the courts or Child Protective Services. Program activities include: supervised visitation at one of our offices, monitored visitation (group) at one of our offices, Supervised Visitation at your family home, or monitored visitation at your family home. These supervised or monitored visitation programs may only take place with the Court or Child Protective Service's approval. The Court or Child Protective Service Worker will receive a written summary of each visit or monthly report as or if requested. Parent Child Support Therapy Program The Criteria for the Child Support Therapy Program includes: 1) Court-Ordered or Voluntary Referral From Child Protective Services, 2) Agreement to pay child support timely plus a part of any late support payment, 3) Past problem paying child support regularly, 3) Willing to visit or restart visitation with child (ren), 4) Signed treatment contract to follow treatment plan, 5) Understands will be violated to court or reported to CPS if fails to follow contract, 6) Willing to attended Child Support Therapy Group or/and other therapy as deemed necessary. Family Transitional Therapy Parenting Program The Family Transition Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized treatment plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological before completion. When agreement has been reached with all parties including: Court, Child Protective Service, DH & A, Inc., and other agencies involved, the parent(s) and child (ren) will begin transitional counseling with the Parenting Therapist with the goal of maintaining the family (with CPS Worker or Court support only). During this time, the Parenting Professionals have ample opportunity to observe parent-child interactions and provide structured activities to assist in the transition process as well as providing feedback concerning their individual strengths and weaknesses to the CPS Worker or the Court. Each program plan is individual to the family and circumstances. The overall goals of our transition therapy program are: to improve basic safety through healthy parenting, to maintain the family when possible, to reunify families when possible, and to assist families in taking corrective actions. Return to Top PARENTING THERAPY PROGRAM The Parenting Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The overall goals of our parenting therapy program are: to improve basic safety through healthy parenting; to maintain the family, to provide supportive therapy for parent(s), to improve family communication skills, and to improve parent's boundary setting skills. Return to Top PASTORAL COUNSELING The Pastoral Counseling Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, pastoral counseling, pre-marital, marital therapy, relational therapy, intensive outpatient counseling, spiritual issues, religious conflicts, grief/guilt, intervention planning, intervention counseling, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Spiritual Issues Program The Spiritual Issues Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Spiritual Issues Program are: to expand one's spiritual self, to learn healthy spiritual habits, and to become spiritually balanced. Grief/Guilt/ShameIssues The Grief/Guilt Issues Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Anger With God? The Anger With God Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, spiritual exploration, and referral to other services. Return to Top PERSONAL GROWTH PROGRAM Personal Growth Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an Individualized Personal Growth Plan may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, Human Potential Development (Spiritual, Psychological, Emotional, Physical Quality of Life), Spiritual Development, Reading, and referral to other services. The goals of the Personal Growth Therapy Program are: to increase self-awareness, to improve coping skills, to develop healthy habits, and to improve the overall quality of life. Goals may be developed to address many issues including: divorce adjustment counseling, grief/loss issues, child management, parenting issues, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and relationship skill development. Self-help programs are encouraged when deemed appropriate. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested provided a release of information is signed by the clients. Self-Esteem Therapy Program The Self-Esteem Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Self-Esteem Therapy Program are: to improve self-esteem, and to increase self-confidence. Stress Management Program The Stress Management Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include: relaxation training, visualization training, meditation, education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Return to Top PTSD Therapy Program Our Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Therapy Program begins with an initial assessment which may require psychiatric consultation. Self-help programs will be encouraged when appropriate. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested, provided a release of information is signed by the client. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Therapy Program (OCD) Our Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Therapy and Counseling Program begins with an initial assessment which may require psychiatric consultation. Self-help programs will be encouraged when appropriate. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested, provided a release of information is signed by the client. Panic Attacks Therapy Program Our Panic Attacks Counseling Program begins with an initial assessment which may require psychiatric consultation. Self-help programs will be encouraged when appropriate. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested, provided a release of information is signed by the client. Return to Top RELATIONSHIPS (HEALTHY) THERAPY PROGRAM The Healthy Relationships Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an Individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Our Relationship Counseling Program may involve: Pre-Marital Counseling, Couples Therapy (Individual or Group), Relational Problems, Compulsive Relationships, Healthy Relationships Education. The goals of the healthy relationship therapy program are: to establish healthy relationships at all levels, to build a healthy support system, and to learn to use your support system. A treatment plan is developed for each individual or family which may include divorce adjustment counseling, grief and loss issues, child management, parenting issues, problem solving, conflict resolution, and relationship skill development. Self-help programs are encouraged when deemed appropriate. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested provided a release of information is signed by the clients. Co-Dependency Therapy Program The Co-Dependency Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Co-Dependency Therapy Program are: to assist family members in resolution of co-dependency issues, to assist parents in resolution of co-dependency issues, to assist with co-dependency issues in resolution of dysfunctional relationships. Adult Child Of Alcoholic/Addicts Therapy Program The Adult Child Of Alcoholic Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the Adult Child Of Alcoholic Therapy Program are: to assist all family members in resolution of ACOA problems, to assist in resolution of ACOA problems. Return to Top SCHOOL THERAPY PROGRAM Our School Counseling Program includes: Support Therapy, Chemical Dependency, Mental Health, ADD/ADHD, Behavioral Therapy, Intervention, School Problems, School Intervention, Low Grades, Survivor/Abuse Problems, Grief issues, and begins with an assessment which may include sessions with the adolescent, parents, the entire family, extended family, and regular contact with the School Counselor or Teachers. Our School Counseling Program is an INNOVATIVE approach to treatment of students, kids and adolescents who are abusers of alcohol and/or drugs, suffering from depression, anxiety, adjustment problems developmental problems, grief problems, behavioral problems at school and/or at home, unexcused lateness or absence problems at school, acting out problems, identity issues, abuse problems, neglect problems, adoption issues, foster child issues, and Attention-Deficit-Hyperactive-Disorder. Some may already be involved in the Criminal Justice System and the local school intervention programs from your area. This approach combines efforts of the parents, courts, school systems, and the chemical dependency and mental health professionals. A treatment plan is developed which may address adjustment problems, grief or loss issues, acting out behavior, school problems, difficulty with relationship building, self-esteem issues, and/or childhood trauma. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested, provided a release of information is signed. Drug Screening is available upon request. Clients involved in this program progress through several phases of treatment individually designed to provide the knowledge, understanding, and skills to live a productive, chemical -Free LIFE. The length of stay is based on the needs of the student and family. Services available include: Individual Therapy, Group Therapy, Family Therapy, Family Crisis Intervention, Intensive Outpatient Therapy, Grief Therapy, Anger Management, Abuse / Neglect therapy, Victims Therapy, Chemical Dependency Education, Mental Health Education, ADD / ADHD Therapy, Parent Therapy, Family Programs, Aftercare Program, Self-Help Orientation. What Is Different About Harmonyway.Org School Intervention Programs? Our School Counseling Programs: 1) Are designed as an Alternative-to-Suspension or Incarceration; 2) Parent Involved; 3) Involve co-operation between the Parents, School Systems, Courts, and or our program; 4) Provide Day and Evening program options; 5) Provide a Phased Treatment Program; 6) Utilize a Behavior Change Approach/Orientation; 7) Individualizes Treatment; 8) Have a Strong focus on Self-help; 9) Prevention programs available; 10) Kid /adolescent Privacy Respected; 12) Random Drug Testing available in Most Areas of the Country; and 13) Fees are Reasonable - Insurance, Self-Pay. How Does The Referral Process Work? Parents or School Counselor generally make the referral: 1) Contact Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. by email at [email protected] or call 502-896-8006 during working hours-Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm to arrange sessions, fees, methods of service, etc. Completing a written referral when appropriate, but often is not necessary; 3) The School Counselor, Teacher or Parents may Download and Review the Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. brochure with your student and / or parents so everyone including the student will know what to expect; 4) Parent(s) may contact our staff between 9:00 am - 5:00 pm to arrange an Initial Assessment, or Consultation or to discuss insurance, self-pay fees, etc.; 5) If the admission is an emergency please indicate this when you contact us and ask to speak to the Designated Staff In-Charge or a supervisor at 502-8968006. Parents will need to complete some initial history information, which is available by download, e-mail, or mail after fees are arranged; 7) Parents will need to sign our Permission to Treat and Release of Information. No sessions will take place until this is done; 8) Send a copy of the completed History, Referral if there is one, Releases of Information, Fee and Payment Agreement, Insurance Authorization (so long as being seen in the office) by email to[email protected] or mail to: Harmonyway, c/o Dave Harmon & Associates, Inc., DuPont Professional Towers, 4010 DuPont Circle, Ste226, Louisville, KY 40207. Return to Top SELF-ESTEEM THERAPY PROGRAM Return to Top SENIORS THERAPY PROGRAM All Programs available to Senior's. The Seniors Therapy Programs all begin with an Initial Evaluation specific to seniors and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the particular therapy program are outlined under each program. The overall goal is to enhance the quality of life in their senior years, to stabilize healthy functioning in all areas of their life. Referrals are made to a network of physicians or psychiatrist for medication evaluation as necessary. Return to Top SEX OFFENDER THERAPY PROGRAM The Sex Offender Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Our Domestic Violence Program includes: Perpetrators Group, Incest Perpetrators, , Sex Abuse Education, and consists of an initial evaluation and a minimum of 2 years if court ordered addressing: (1) Anger Management; (2) Chemical Dependency; (3) The Cycle of Violence; (4) Role Stereotyping; (5) Power Issues; (6) Conflict Resolution; (7) Empathy for the Victim; and (8) Stress Management. Clients are encouraged to be involved in self-help support programs when appropriate. Continued counseling is encouraged after completing the sessions. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested, provided a release of information is signed by the client. The goals of the Sexual Offender Therapy Program are: to improve basic safety through healthy children, and parent(s), and extended family, to provide sex offender therapy to the identified parent(s) or family member, to provide sex offender therapy to the identified parent(s), and to improve communication skills among family members. Return to Top SEXUAL ABUSE THERAPY PROGRAM Return to Top SEXUAL ADDICTION THERAPY PROGRAM The Sexual Addiction Therapy Program will begin with an evaluation and a treatment plan based on that evaluation. Components of the psycho-educational, individual or group sessions include: 1) Personal Addiction History, 2) Power and control Issues, 3) Conflict Resolution, 4) Behavioral Change Contracts, and 5) Empathy for our Partners, etc. The goal of our Sexual Addiction Therapy Program is to support recovery in all aspects of an individual's life regardless of their behavioral, emotional, or attitudinal problems, and to establish healthy attitudes and sexuality. Return to Top SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION THERAPY PROGRAM Return to Top STRESS MANAGEMENT THERAPY PROGRAM Return to Top SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL & DOMESTIC VIOLENCE THERAPY PROGRAM The Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, intervention, court intervention, self-help, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Our Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse Therapy Program includes: Adults and Children Survivors of verbal, psychological, physical, emotional Abuse. A treatment plan is developed for each individual survivor and generally includes esteem building, grief and loss issues, problem solving, conflict resolution, victim of physical, emotional, psychological, sexual abuse, and relationship skill development. Self-help programs are encouraged when deemed appropriate. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested provided a release of information is signed. Our Survivors of Sexual Abuse Counseling Program includes: Adults Survivors Molested As Children, Children Survivors of Abuse (Verbal, Physical, Psychological, Emotional, Sexual), Family Sexual Abuse, Rape Survivors. The program begins with an initial assessment. A treatment plan is developed for each individual survivor and generally includes esteem building, grief and loss issues, problem solving, conflict resolution, and relationship skill development, and relationship skill development. Self-help programs are encouraged when deemed appropriate. Reports will be provided to referral sources as requested provided a release of information is signed by the clients. The goals of the Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence Therapy Program are: to improve basic safety through healthy children, and parent(s), to provide survivor therapy to the identified family member, to provide intense therapy to the identified parent(s) or family member, to resolve past trauma. Return to Top WEIGHT LOSS/CONTROL PROGRAM The Weight Loss/Control Therapy Program begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, and referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. Return to Top All Other DSM IV Diagnosis/Problem Areas All Other DSM IV Diagnosis Disorders Therapy Programs begins with an Initial Evaluation and an individualized Treatment Plan that may include education, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, intensive outpatient therapy, referral to other services, and may require a Psychological Evaluation before completion. The goals of the all therapy program are: to stabilize mood, and to learn healthy coping tools. The treatment plan will vary, and the client will participate in development. Return to Top Disclaimer: Youth Services - Dave Harmon and Associates, Inc. offers parents and youth who find themselves in legal difficult, insight into how to prevent the problems in the future through the following the following Therapeutic Counseling Programs: Substance Abuse Evaluation, Education & Counseling Mental Health Evaluation, Education & Counseling DUI Evaluation, Education & Counseling ADHD-ADD Evaluation, Education & Counseling Relational Evaluation, Education & Counseling Behavioral Evaluation, Education & Counseling Compulsive Behavior Evaluation, Education & Counseling School Evaluation, Education & Counseling’ Anger Management Evaluation, Education & Counseling Domestic Violence Evaluation, Education & Counseling Victim of Abuse Evaluation, Education & Counseling Acting-Out Evaluation, Education & Counseling Grief Evaluation, Education & Counseling Trauma Evaluation, Education & Counseling Self-Esteem Evaluation, Education & Counseling Problem Gambling Evaluation, Education & Counseling Attitude Adjustment Evaluation, Education & Counseling Parent/Family Intervention Evaluation, Education & Counseling Criminal Theft/Dishonesty Evaluation, Education & Counseling Violence Evaluation, Education & Counseling Marital Evaluation, Education & Counseling Family Evaluation, Education & Counseling Divorce Adjustment Evaluation, Education & Counseling Blended Family Evaluation, Education & Counseling Alternative To Incarceration Evaluation, Education & Counseling Court Diversion Evaluation, Education & Counseling Medications Available Through Newwork Of Local Physicians. All Counseling Programs are available for Children, Adolescents and their families who are experiencing difficuties in any area of their lives, court-ordered, school referred or voluntary. Counseling is a more effective way of helping our Children and Adolescences develop new coping skills and social skills necessary for healthy relationships, and demonstrating to our families, schools, courts, and others, our willingness to change and to right any past wrongs. Referrals are accepted from many sources including Health Insurance, Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) or self-pay. Each Child or Adolescencent receives an Evaluation. A Treatment Plan is developed with the parents and child or adolescent. Drug and Alcohol testing is available to all with or without a court-order with parental request. INTERVENTION COUNSELING Families and loved ones are GREATLY effected by individuals with CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY, MENTAL HEALTH and other BEHAVIORAL, Emotional, or SPIRITUAL problems or difficulties. Sometimes it is necessary for others to intervene due to the progressive nature of most problems and negative behaviors, as well as the fact that everyone experiences consequences. Interventions may involve: family, spouSe, partner, employer, court, probation, parole, parole board, friend, agencies, or others. Services provided may include: 1) Intervention Consultation 2) Intervention Planning 3) Intervention 4) Followup Counseling Reports are provided to referral sources if a Release of Information is signed. The fees is $75.00 per hour. INSURANCES may cover the cost. L |